Installing Mcafee on a Windows 10 S laptop - Microsoft Community.

Installing Mcafee on a Windows 10 S laptop - Microsoft Community.

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- Install Mcafee Antivirus Software for Mac & Windows OS

  Sep 04,  · After installing Windows 10 I tried to reinstall my McAfee software. It says that my PC is not online and asks to reboot PC to install but this happens every time. It also hangs my Java which I can't update until the PC has been restarted. I installed a trial version of Norton without a problem. Jan 16,  · I tried to install McAfee on my HP Envy laptop which runs on Windows 10 [8] [21]. It rebooted a couple times. The last reboot said installing previous version of windows. It then tried to self repair and failed. I am now locked into the repair screen. I have no recovery discs. The laptop did not come with any. Tom. Aug 26,  · McAfee LiveSafe comes with superb built in protection against internet threats such as viruses, spam, pop-ups and malware. The windows defender has superb virus definition that includes signature files, runtime library files, definitions and module files. It also comes with an intuitive interface that enables easy navigation.  

Mcafee setup for windows 10 -

  Nov 09,  · If you try to install Windows while running SaaS Endpoint Protection , it asks you to uninstall it. This section describes McAfee Enterprise support for Windows 10 Hardware-enforced Stack Protection (HSP). For more information about HSP, see this Microsoft article on HSP. HSP allows applications to use the local CPU hardware to. Sep 04,  · After installing Windows 10 I tried to reinstall my McAfee software. It says that my PC is not online and asks to reboot PC to install but this happens every time. It also hangs my Java which I can't update until the PC has been restarted. I installed a trial version of Norton without a problem. McAfee apps, such as the standard versions of LiveSafe or Total Protection, can’t be installed on a Windows 10 S PC because you must download them from While your Windows 10 S PC can’t run the LiveSafe or Total Protection apps, it can run the McAfee Personal Security UWP app.    


Mcafee setup for windows 10


It has come to my attention that Windows 10 is totally not compatible with McAfee Anti-virus protection. I called McAfee, and they tell me Microsoft was to offer a download fix for this issue, but has failed to do so. It is not just a McAfee issue, as my virus protection worked just fine when I was still using Windows 8. I would suggest no one rely on this to protect their PC.

So, when is Microsoft going to send out a download fix, to allow McAfee virus protection to again work properly? OR, will they just ignore it, as they have so far? The folks at McAfee are aware that compatibility is the responsibility of the third party software manufacturer.

Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. McAfee can say anything they want to say, including that the problem is caused by little pink fairies.

The fact is that if a patch is needed in order for the software to work in Windows 10, it's McAfee's responsibility to provide it. As far as the efficacy of the software itself is concerned, it has been well known for years that McAfee and Norton products create as many problems than they solve. If you could provide actual data to support the assertion that Defender is the "worse" virus protection, you might seem a more credible source of information. Thanks again for your reply.

I will gather a petition with at least several hundred users of Windows 10 who are having this issue, that they never did with 8. When the petition is complete, I will forward it to Microsoft.

As for Windows Defender, you need to simply search the internet where it rates the best and worse Anti-Virus programs to see it is a terrible protection alternative. Programs, utilities etc have to be made to run with the operating system, not the other way around. Next point:The reports on anti-virus solutions are rigged in as much as the reviewers would get no co-operation from the various anti-virus producers were they to say anything but good about the products.

I have been using MSE and Windows Defender since they first appeared, and have not had issues with them. A lot of infections which are found on computers do not come through any anti-virus solution.

They are INVITED in by the computer users who click on all kinds of junk on websites, emails, and of course those who download stuff that they really shouldn't, a lot of which has had infections or options attached from which you can't refuse or escape.. This is actually an issue on many AV's where the updates break them, be happy it is just your laptop..

The Provider however, they provide the updated software.. I use Symantec, they generally release the patch around the same time as the update takes place.. That way i am ready for it.. I am down to 35 machines running windows 10, and have rolled back the rest to Windows 7, which is where they will stay..

I was getting tired of the forced Cowboy approach of updates, that would break software, causing outages and money loss This obviously isn't a solution for everyone, but you will need to call McAfee and have them provide you with an updated piece of software.. Alternately you can remove "Defender" and install something else.. I say remove, and not uninstall, because it takes some modifications to get that to be removed..

Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member. Why is Microsoft not resolving this issue? This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :.

Cancel Submit. Previous Next. Ronnie Vernon. Hi Marty The folks at McAfee are aware that compatibility is the responsibility of the third party software manufacturer.

If this is a widespread issue, they will be releasing a patch. How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. McAfee has told many people, it is a Microsoft Windows 10 issue, that did not exist with Windows 8, 8. They state Microsoft needs to make available a download patch to solve this. In reply to mpff's post on February 2, In reply to JimWynne's post on February 2, Thanks for your time.

You didn't say it was terrible, you said it's " Good luck with your petition. Mike Hall In reply to Mike Hall Just surprised it had to go to this extent to fix the issue. Ken Blake. See the other replies you've gotten and let me add that my view is the same as that of most of the other responses you've gotten: even if it works correctly, McAfee is one of the worst choices available.

Defender is not the best, but it is far from the worst; it's better than McAfee. In response to the issue between McAfee and Microsoft, I think that in the past both companies have proven their desire to provide what the public wants and needs. Therefore why can't they just work together on this until a solution is found. Passing the buck has seemed to become the way of society and I think it's a shame. Just take responsibility!

Grow up! My solution has been working.. This site in other languages x.


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